
Why you need Artificial Intelligence in your Marketing

In a recent blog post featured in Forbes “Why the Old Marketing Funnel is Broken” the author Jeff Bullas points out the complexities facing marketers today in gaining attention due to the plethora of journeys that consumers take on their path to purchase. Marketers cannot hope to keep up with all the consumer path options without using advanced technology at every step of the customer engagement, acquisition, and retention process. The proliferation of content and purchasing paths for consumers is far too complex for marketers to master. As an example, take a look at the Luma 2017 Content Marketing Chart below. Also note that there is a similarly complex graphic from Luma for publishing, mobile, social media, search and video marketing. Getting consumer attention has never been more difficult.

Jeff makes the following statement “Now the journey is one of multiple rabbit holes to discovery. It means marketers need to have the tools and skills to interpret millions of pieces of data, apply technology at scale and invoke artificial intelligence to get it just right.” AI is built to handle these types of problems. However, until recently, only large organizations have had access to AI for marketing purposes. Now Salesforce, LinkedIn, and a host of startups offer AI powered cloud solutions or technology that do it yourself marketers can use at various stages of the sales funnel. Now marketers only need to find the time to learn the skills necessary to apply AI to their marketing programs or outsource.
